EDC Port Elizabeth

Contact EDC Port Elizabeth

Visit our office:

169 Cape Road
Mill Park,


If you are a business owner and you would like to expand your operations and grow your business then contact Enterprise Development Consultants. Our qualified staff will evaluate your business to determine if you qualify for any incentives.

Gregory Billson

Tel : 041 373 7711
Cell: 082 556 1837
Fax : 086 766 6949

Dave Lindsay

Tel : 041 373 7711
Cell: 082 577 6956
Fax : 086 766 6949

Ryan Tudhope

Tel : 041 373 7711
Cell: 084 506 4700
Fax : 086 766 6949

Email EDC Port Elizabeth: infope@edc-consultants.co.za

EDC Office